lifted its crude oil export ban about two years ago. LOOP has more than 72 million barrels of crude oil storage capacity at its Clovelly Hub. LOOP also provides logistics services to pipelines that connect to regional and national pipeline networks and refining facilities. It deepwater port includes three single-point mooring buoys which can accommodate VLCCs, ultra-large crude carriers, medium-range Jones Act compliant tankers and floating production, storage and offloading deepwater facility shuttle tankers. LOOP provides crude oil offloading, loading, transportation, terminaling and storage services. MarineTraffic data indicates the vessel is named Shaden, a VLCC operated by Bahri. The company said on Wednesday that it had moored a VLCC and initiated its detailed test and checkout procedure.

Charts are printed only after an order has been received, ensuring the most up-to-date. The company only needed to make minor modifications to its existing facilities to operate the port complex bi-directionally and says the configuration safely enables both loading and offloading of VLCCs without multiple shuttle tanker movements. Detailed coverage of Loop Deepwater Port Louisiana Offshore Oil Port. The new service will provide connecting logistics from LOOP’s Clovelly Hub in Galliano, Louisiana, to its deepwater port, 18 miles offshore of Port Fourchon, Louisiana. LOOP announced its intentions to seek shipper interest in vessel loading services to complement its long standing offloading services in July last year.

crude oil deepwater port, has started test loading a very large crude carrier (VLCC) in anticipation of building its crude oil export potential. Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), owner of the only U.S.